“The Word Was God” – John 1:1-5
I. The Word of God in the World (1-5)
A. The Eternity Of The Word (1a) In the beginning was the Word,
B. The Environment Of The Word (1b) and the Word was with God,
C. The Essence Of The Word (1c) and the Word was God.
D. The Establishment Of The Word (2)
1. He Is Sure Of The Person (2a) The same
2. He Is Sure Of The Place (2b) was in the beginning
3. He Is Sure Of The Pre-eminence (2c) with God.
E. The Essentiality Of The Word (3)
1. The Word Is The Sovereign Source Of Creation (3a-3c)
a. All Creation (3a) All things
b. Active Creativity (3b) were made
c. Almighty Creator (3c) by him;
2. The Word Is The Sole Source Of Creation (3d-3e)
a. An Impossible Thought (3d) and without him
b. An Indisputable Truth (3e) as not any thing made that was made.
F. The Effulgence Of The Word (4-5)
1. The Life In The Word (4)
a. Where The Life First Resided (4a) In him was life; [The Divine Person]
b. What The Life Faithfully Revealed (4b) and the life was the light of men. [The Distinct Purpose]
2. The Light Of The Word (5)
a. Where The Light Competed (5a) And the light shineth in darkness; [The Dark Place]
b. What The Light Conquered (5b) and the darkness comprehended it not. [The Dominate Power]