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Colossians: “The Hope Of Glory”


An alliterated exegetical outline of the Book of Colossians.


III. Paul Preached Christ As The Correct Almighty Antidote For The Error Of False Teachers (13-23)

        A. Paul Reminds The Colossians Of Their Forgiveness By Jesus (13-15)
The Vicariousness Of Christ’s Death At Calvary For Sinners (13)
a. How They Were Fallen Without Christ In Sin (13a-13b)  [Their Past Lostness]
                               (1) Being Unsaved Gentiles They Were Dead In Their Sins Before Jehovah (13a)  And you, being dead in your sins
                                                            [No Eternal Justifying Righteousness]
(2) Being Uncircumcised Gentiles They Were Declared Sinners By Judaism (13b)   and the uncircumcision of your flesh,
[No External Jewish Rituals]
b. How They Were Found With Christ By Sacrifice (13c)  hath he quickened together with him,    [Their Present Life]
c. How They Were Forgiven By Christ In Salvation (13d) having forgiven you all trespasses;    [Their Powerful Lord]
The Vindication From Charges Of Death By Crucifixion Of The Savior (14)
a. It Was A Canceled Debt For Us (14a)   [The Law’s Demand Was An Honest Debt For Us To Discharge]      
Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us,
b. It Was A Contrary Debt To Us (14b)  which was contrary to us,
[The Law’s Demand Was A Hostile Debt To Us For Discouragement]
It Was A Crucified Debt For Us (14c-14d)   [The Law’s Demand Was A Hopeless Debt For Us To Dismiss]
                                   (1) It Was Personally Removed By Christ (14c)    and took it out of the way,
(2) It Was Permanently Relegated To His Cross (14d)   nailing it to his cross;
3. The Victory Of Christ’s Conquest Of The Demons And Satan (15)
a. His Sacrifice Totally Crushed The Devil (15a-15b) [Personal]
     (1) Christ’s Sacrifice Stripped The Authority Of Evil Principalities To Accuse The Saints Of Sin (15a)
And having spoiled principalities    [The Devil]
(2) Christ’s Sacrifice Stripped The Authority Of Evil Powers To Accuse The Saints Of Sin (15b) and powers,  [The Demons]
b. His Spectacle Totally Conquered The Devil (15c) [Public]    he made a shew of them openly,
c. His Success Triumphantly Condemned The Devil (15d)   triumphing over them in it. [Powerful]

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An alliterated exegetical outline of the Book of Colossians. 32 pgs. $10.00