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Ephesians: “To The Saints Which Are At Ephesus”


An alliterated exegetical outline of the Book of Ephesians.


“Unto The Praise Of His Glory
                                                   Ephesians 1:1-23

I. Paul’s Extends His Salutation To The Saints Of Ephesus (1-2)    [The Identified Tutor Of The Saints]

A.  The Greeting  To The Ephesian Church (1)
1. The Author Of  The Correspondence To The Ephesians  (1a)   Paul,
2. The Apostle Of Christ To The Ephesians (1b-1c)
a. He States His Apostleship (1b)    an apostle of Jesus Christ
b. He Shows His Authority (1c)          by the will of God,
3. The Audience Are The Christians In Ephesus (1d-1e)
a. Their Standing In The Church At Ephesus (1d)           to the saints which are at Ephesus,
b. Their Steadfastness  To Christ In Ephesus (1e)           and to the faithful in Christ Jesus:

B. The Grace For The Ephesian Christians (2)

1. He Remembered The Pardon Of Grace (2a)    Grace be to you,
2. He Remembered The Product Of Grace (2b)     and peace,
3. He Remembered The Provider Of Grace (2c)     from God our Father,
4. He Remembered The Procurer Of Grace (2d)   and from the Lord Jesus Christ.


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An alliterated exegetical outline of the Book of Ephesians. 50 pgs. $13.00