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II Thessalonians: “Be Not Weary In Well Doing”


An alliterated exegetical outline of the Book of II Thessalonians.

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An alliterated exegetical outline of the Book of II Thessalonians. 26 pgs.

“Paul’s Wise Words Of Correction For The Saints”
II Thessalonians 2:1-17

I. Paul Scripturally Straightens The Thessalonian Saint’s Faulty Eschatology (1-12)  [True Eschatology]

A. He Addresses The End-Time Revelation Of The Man Of Sin (1-5)
1. Paul’s Message Was First To Those Disturbed By False Teaching (1-2)
a. The Christian Character Of His Message (1)
(1) The Beseeching In His Appeal (1a) Now we beseech you,
(2) The Brethren Of His Appeal (1b) brethren,
(3) The Basis Of His Appeal (1c-1d)
(a) By The Soon Return Of The Lord Jesus Christ (1c)
by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,
(b) By Their Sudden Rapture To The Lord Jesus Christ (1d)
and by our gathering together unto him,
b.The Calming Content In His Message (2)
(1) Paul States The Peculiar Effects Of The False Teaching On The Saints (2a-2b)
(a) They Were Soon Tossed From A Steadfast Mind (2a) That ye be not soon shaken in mind,
[They Exchanged Divine Truth For The Devil’s Tales]
(b) They Were Sorely Troubled By A Shaken Mind (2b) or be troubled,
[They Experienced The Devil’s Troubling Not Divine Tranquility]
(2) Paul Shows The Possible Extent Of The False Teaching To The Saints (2c-2e)
(a) It Can Arrive Through A False Preacher (2c) neither by spirit, [We Must Know The True Spirit Of God]
(b) It Can Arrive Through A Faithless Pronouncement (2d) nor by word,  [We Must Know The Total Scriptures Of God]
(c) It Can Arrive Through A Forged Parcel (2e) nor by letter as from us, [We Must Know The Trusted Scribe Of God]
(3) Paul States The Particular Error In The False Teaching To The Saints (2f) as that the day of Christ is at hand.