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Romans: “Called To Be Saints”


An alliterated exegetical outline of the Book of Romans.

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An alliterated exegetical outline of the Book of Romans. 107 pgs.

“The Sham Of The Self-Righteous”
Romans 2:1-16

 I. Paul’s Sober Warning To The Hypocrite (1-6)

A. A Present Danger (1-2)
1. God’s Sudden Exposure Of The Hypocrite (1a) “Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man,…”
2. God’s Simple Explanation Of The Hypocrite (1b-1c)
a. The Principle Of Condemnation Is Acknowledged By Our Verbal Accusations Of Other’s Sins (1b) “whosoever thou art that judgest:”
b. The Proof Of Condemnation Is Assured By The Voluntary Acts Of Our Sins (1c-1e)
(1) The Point Of Condemnation (1c) “…for wherein thou judgest another,…”
(2) The Pity Of Condemnation (1d) “…thou condemnest thyself;…”
(3) The Proof Of Condemnation (1e) “…for thou that judgest doest the same things.”
3. God’s Sure Evaluation Of The Hypocrite (2)
a. The Positive Belief In God’s Judgment (2a) “But we are sure…”
b. The Perfect Basis Of God’s Judgment (2b) “…that the judgment of God is according to truth…”
c. The Proper Bounds Of God’s Judgment (2c) “…against them which commit such things.”

B. A Pondering Demanded (3-4)
1. The Jews Attitude Of Exemption By Descent From The Promise Of God’s Wrath (3)
a. O Man That Judgest (3a) “And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same,…”
b. Oh Man The Judgment (3b) “…that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?”
2. The Jews Attitude Toward Evil By Disregarding The Purpose Of God’s Wealth (4)
a. The Expression Of The Grace Of God (4a-4c)
(1) His Provisions For The Jew (4a) “Or despiseth thou the riches of his goodness…”
(2) His Pity On The Jew (4b)  “…and forbearance…”
  (3) His Patience With The Jew (4c) “… and longsuffering;…”
b. The Effect Of The Goodness Of God (4d) “…not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?”

C. A Promised Destruction (5-6)