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Acts: “God’s Witness To The World”


An alliterated exegetical outline of the Book of Acts.

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An alliterated exegetical outline of the Book of Acts. 208 pgs. $22.00


“Jesus Our Ascended Lord”
Acts 1:1-11

I. The Divine Proof Of The Resurrection Of Christ (1-3)

A.The Word Of God (1)
1. A Former Treatise (1a) “The former treatise have I made,…”
2. A Faithful Theophilus (1b) “…O Theophilus,…”
3. A Full Truth (1c) “…of all that Jesus began both to do and teach,…”
a. The Work Of God (2)
(1) The Duration Of Jesus’ Work On Earth (2a) “Until the day in which he was taken up,…”
(2) The Disciples For Jesus’ Work On Earth (2b)
“after that he through the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen:”
b. The Witness Of God (3)
(1) Revealed Himself Alive After His Passion (3a)
“To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs,…”
(2) Revealed Himself Alive By Many Proofs (3b-3d)
(a) He Was Seen Of The Many Disciples (3b) “being seen of them”
(b) He Was Seen For Many Days (3c) “…forty days,…”
(c) He Was Speaking A Magnificent Doctrine (3d) “…and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God:”

II. The Divine Power Of The Resurrection (4-8)

A. The Place (4)
1.A Place Of Worship With The Savior (4a) “And, being assembled together with them,…”