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I Thessalonians: “Looking For His Son From Heaven”


An alliterated exegetical outline of the Book of I Thessalonians.

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An alliterated exegetical outline of the Book of I Thessalonians. 32 pgs.


“Paul Commends A Model Church”
I Thessalonians 1:1-10

I.The Greeting To The Model Church (1)

A.The Mentors Of The Young Church (1a-1c)
1.The Author Is Paul (1a) Paul,
2. The Associates Of Paul (1b-1c)
a.The Presence Of A Veteran Missionary With Paul (1b) and Silvanus,
b. The Presence Of A Valuable Messenger Of Paul (1c) and Timotheus,

B. The Majesty Of The Young Church (1d-1f)
1. John Indicates The Earthly Site Of The Church (1d) unto the church of the Thessalonians
2. John Includes The Eternal Security Of The Church (1e-1f)
a. They Are Positioned In God The Eternal Sovereign (1e) which is in God the Father [Received By God]
b. They Are Purchased By God The Eternal Son (1f) and in the Lord Jesus Christ: [Redeemed By God]

C. The Message To The Young Church (1g-j)
1. The Order In The Salutation (1g-1h)
a. He Remembered The Pardon Of Grace (1g) Grace be unto you,
b. He Remembered The Prosperity In Grace (1h) and peace,
(1) The Origin Of Their Salvation (1i-1j)
(a) From The Father’s Will To Save (1i) from God our Father,
(b) From The Finished Work Of The Savior (1j) and the Lord Jesus Christ.