
“Paul’s Love For An Erring Church” — II Corinthinns


Why Don’t You Love Me Like You Used To Do”
II Corinthians 1:1-24

I.Paul Establishes His Final Letter To The Corinthians (1-7)
A. He Presents His Stern Corrective Letter To The
Corinthians (1-2)
1. Paul’s Opening Greeting To The Corinthian Church (1)
a. Identifies The Author Of The Letter (1a) Paul,
b. Indicates The Authority For The Letter (1b-1c)
(1) He Was An Apostle For The Work Of God (1b)
     an apostle of Jesus Christ
(2) He Was An Apostle By The Will Of God (1c)
                               by the will of God,
c.  Introduces The Assistant From The Lord (1d-1e)
(1) The Faithful Believer (1d) and Timothy
(2) The Favored Brother (1e) our brother,
d. Includes The Addressee Of The Letter (1f-1h)
(1) The Primary Readers Of The Letter(1f-1g)
(a) Paul Notes The Legitimacy Of The
Corinthian Church(1f)
unto the church of God
(b) Paul Names The Location Of The
Church is Corinth(1g)
which is at Corinth,
(2) The Particular Region For The Letter (1h)
with all the saints which are in all Achaia:




Why Don’t You Love Me Like You Used To Do”
II Corinthians 1:1-24

  1. Paul Establishes His Final Letter To The Corinthians (1-7)
    A. He Presents His Stern Corrective Letter To The
    Corinthians (1-2)
    1. Paul’s Opening Greeting To The Corinthian Church (1)
    a. Identifies The Author Of The Letter (1a)


    b. Indicates The Authority For The Letter (1b-1c)
    (1) He Was An Apostle For The Work Of
    God (1b)
    an apostle of Jesus Christ
    (2) He Was An Apostle By The Will Of God (1c)
    by the will of God,
    c. Introduces The Assistant From The Lord (1d-1e)
    (1) The Faithful Believer (1d)
    and Timothy
    (2) The Favored Brother (1e) our brother,
    d. Includes The Addressee Of The Letter (1f-1h)
    (1) The Primary Readers Of The Letter(1f-1g)
    (a) Paul Notes The Legitimacy Of The
    Corinthian Church(1f)
    unto the church of God
    (b) Paul Names The Location Of The Church
    As Corinth(1g)
    which is at Corinth,
    (2) The Particular Region For The Letter (1h)
    with all the saints which are in all Achaia: